Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Victoria & Gerardo

We spent the better part of Saturday in the company of Victoria and Gerardo; a wonderfully delightful couple.   The love they have for each other is visible to everyone.  There were many times during the wedding that touched the heart of all present; even Julie nearly came to tears.  We had a great time and wish them the very best.


  1. gerardo and victoriaJune 13, 2012 at 10:41 PM

    The pictures you took at our wedding came out more beautiful then we could have ever imagined. I loved the effects you made with your camera and how you made our pictures have a Modern ventiage look to it. Thank you God Bless. Victoria Ortega

  2. gerardo and victoriaJune 13, 2012 at 10:45 PM

    This is Judy the Brides Mother. I love all the Picuters you took at my daughters wedding. They all came out beautiul. It was very hard for me to decide which ones were the best. I loved them all. I love the special effects to make the pictures look the way they did. It was a blessing to have you to there. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Judy Barboza

  3. Love the shoe on the paino shot! The pictures tell a thousand words! Another job well done. Keep up your good work. Only wish you were around when I got married, would definetly use you as my photographer.


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