Friday, December 23, 2011


It takes a very special client to pull us away from photographing live action. We recently had such a client; she asked us to set up a studio in her living room for family portraits.  It was a blast. Her family was really fun and the evening quickly became a party with great conversation, fantastic food and magical photography.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

The perfect Honeymoon... Julie, Travel, and Photography

This is one of my favorite pictures of Julie.  It was taken during our Honeymoon in Malaga, Spain.  If you’ve never been to the Southern part of Spain I highly recommend it, especially the Costa del Sol.

We had a wonderful time.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Every once in a while an event comes along that is tailor made for you.  For me, this event is a military home coming.  It is difficult to put in words the feelings that well up at a home coming.  All the people involved have made incredible sacrifices.

You would think the men, women, and children would only be happy to be reunited.  However, human emotion is far more complicated. 

After returning from my second deployment I got off the plane overflowing with joy and fear.  I was very excited to see Julie.  I could not wait to hug her but I was also a little afraid.  Julie and I have a wonderful relationship and I was afraid that something might have changed.  After all I was gone for over seven months.